Jacket - White Suede
Top - Uniqlo
Skirt - Donna Karan
Shoes - Prada
Sunglasses - Prada
Jewellery - Kazuri earrings + Diva ring +
The skirt is an oldie but a goodie I scored at a Donna Karan family and friends sale in London about seven years ago. I remember spending my entire rent at that sale and then playing Dodge The Landlord for a good two weeks until I got paid. Yes...yes I've been there! I've been to Planet Look Good Without Two Cents To Rub Together. I thank The Universe, The Ancestors and all The Gods (and Goddesses) I learnt my lesson sooner rather than later.
I wear the skirt with simple racerbacks in the warm summer months and then team it up with fine knits in the cooler. I love its draping and how it almost feels like its dancing with each step. Oh I love being a woman!